Sunday, January 11, 2015

Kari's Corner

Five Days Left by Julie Lawson Timmer

This novel splits between two different characters both counting down to an event in five days.  Mara is a lawyer, wife, and mother who was diagnosed with Huntington's disease four years ago.  Mara is planning on killing herself in five days.  Scott is a teacher who has five days left with his foster son before he is returned to his birth mother.  Both characters have five days left to say goodbye to their loved ones.
            Scott is dreading giving up his foster son back to his birthmother.   Scott’s wife is currently pregnant.   Scott comes across as caring more about his foster child than his pregnant wife and unborn child. 
I found Mara’s character much more interesting than Scott’s story.  The author does a good job of drawing you in describing how Mara goes from this successful lawyer to losing control of her own body.   She has to buy Depends for when she accidently pees on herself; She is horrified that she can no longer control her bladder.  She is shaking her arms nonstop and walking funny, like she is drunk, without realizing it.   She knows that she is going to keep deteriorating until she is in a nursing home.   Mara does not want to be in the nursing home, feeling she would be a burden to her husband and an embarrassment to her young daughter.  She decides the best thing to do would be to commit suicide before she loses even more control over her body.  Nobody has any idea that this is what she is planning and it is difficult to decide what is worse: for Mara to commit suicide before her disease gets worse, causing her family to lose the time they had left with her; or for her to keep deteriorating as her family watches her get worse and worse until she can no longer take care of herself.

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