Some of you may recognize NaNoWriMo from last November, and if you're like me, November is too far away to ignore that itch for writing. Fret not, April is coming. That's right, I said April!. You can link up with other writing crazed individuals three times a year, November of course, and in April and July with Camp NaNoWriMo. And if you already have a NaNoWriMo account you can just sign in on the Camp NaNoWriMo page, your e-mail and password will work for both sites.
Once you get logged in, remember to create your novel. You can stretch in a different direction than November if you want. Camp NaNoWriMo has more options for word count and format, so experiment, and have fun. Then prepare for April 1st, because you'll officially be a Camp NaNoWriMo Participant.
You can also get in the NaNoWriMo mood by reading some NaNoWriMo books or picking up some hints from books on writing at the IPL.
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