Fly Like an Eagle
Eagles nests filled with eaglets were in the Community Room – will wonders
never cease to happen!
On Monday, March 10th, we had the pleasure of hosting 13 eaglets in two handmade nests, eagle style of course. The ISU Extension office, with Ashley Sherrets, presented one of the ongoing monthly children’s programs as part of Adventures in Nature. This one was “Fly like an Eagle”.
had loads of fun and learned a bit, too.
As a group we learned many facts about eagles,
traced our wingspan, made eagle puppets, built nests, ate fish (Swedish
Fish – candy) and watched the Decorah eagles on the big screen.
Bulletin Board in the Children’s area of the library displays the results of
the wingspan comparison. It
is pretty interesting to see how we measure up!
April 13th
at 6 pm the Adventures in Nature program
will be “Earth Day”. Thanks to the ISU Extension for helping to bring these opportunities to
you. This series of programs are most
suitable for children in grades K-3, but all children and guardians are welcome
to attend.
I do hope you will have the
opportunity to join us for future programs.
It is a grand way to start the
week. Mark
your calendar for April 13th at 6:00 pm to have fun and learn, too.
Hope to see you soon
There are many great programs @
the library. All the way from the youngest
patrons (Rhyme Time) to programs for writing Memoirs.
Please check out IPL’s website for further information.